At the end of October “Civiltà del bere”, one of the oldest Italian wine magazines, publishes its traditional aggregated ratings of the top Italian wines of the year, based on the highest accolades of the leading local wine guides (i.e. the winners of “3 bicchieri”, “5 grappoli”, “4 viti”, “il Sole di Veronelli” etc.). Apart from this for the 5th year in a row the magazine organizes its own wine competition, called WOW!, the winners of which also participate in the roadshows along with the top Italian wines mentioned above throughout the year that follows. This year 1050 wines took part in the competition and were one-handedly tasted as in the 2 previous covid editions by the “man in charge” Alessandro Torcoli (@torcoliwine). The best performing regions were Veneto (147 medals), Tuscany (113), Piedmont (89) & Sicily (87). For the first year a separate “best in show” for wines with Gold medals under €10 was introduced and surprisingly Piedmont is the leader there with 7 medals. Out of all wines 437 won a Gold medal (95-100 points + up to 5 points for typicity), of which 45 – from Piedmont. It’s a great pleasure for me to announce that my Bric Bissarello 2020 (old vines Dolcetto based Langhe Rosso) won one of those 45 medals!
And it’s a great honor for me to be in the company of such renowned producers as Parusso, Borgogno, Montalbera, Olim Bauda & Réva from our region, as well as Bertani, Pieropan, Speri, Tedeschi, Zenato, Castello di Buttrio, Lis Neris, Giodo, Lamole di Lamole, Ricasoli, Masciarello, Arnaldo Caprai, Moroder, Umani Ronchi to mention a few from the other regions of the country.
Here’s what Alessandro writes about Bric Bissarello 2020 (see diploma below): «Your wine has shown a combination of intrinsic quality and territorial identity. Tasting notes: light ruby red color, intense on the nose with notes of roses, blackberries, violets & sweet spices. A beauty in the mouth, juicy, fresh, with smooth but decisive tannins, good freshness and persistence».
Thank you, Maestro, and cheers to us and all the WOW! 2022 winners!